Church and Community at All Saints

The parish is actively engaged with local schools – the vicar and other representatives are happy to take assemblies as requested. Classes also come yearly on an educational visit to the church, led by vicar: these involve exploring everything of interest in the churches, and discovering what is distinctive about the Christian faith. There may be singing, dancing, and dressing up in priest’s robes!

Canfield Coffee Pot aims to be a welcoming space at All Saints Church where tea, coffee and cake are available and anybody can come along and join the conversation, take part in table games or activities or just be. The Church is open daily for anybody to drop in (whether to pray or just to use the toilet) but Tuesday between 10 and 12 noon is when you will be sure of company.

We hold regular craft workshops at All Saints church which offer a variety of crafts suitable for children of all ages and also adults. The normal dates are Good Friday morning, and a Saturday morning before Advent. In 2020 we tried an afternoon in August and hope this can be repeated.

Monthly village meals take place at a pub with other local residents to eat and talk together. We generally alternate between lunchtime and evening meals.

All Saints church also has a tradition of film nights open to anybody; some just for fun and others timed to lead into an optional linked bible study. Past bible studies have been based on Les Mis, The King’s Speech and other films.)

Our community events with a fund-raising bias may include scarecrow race nights and quiz evenings as well as our annual burger and hog-roast stall at the not-to-be-missed countess of warwick Show held on August Bank Holiday Sunday and Monday at Little Easton.